
The network is so flexible, and it's such an open network in terms of competition and architecture that if anyone began to flex some power, someone else would step in to compete with them. - Leonard Kleinrock


The idea of communicating using computer through internet starts with this great man. He use the packet switching network to connect into connecting devices and to send a message into another computer. Wonder at this time your'e writing on a sheet. Writing your thoughts and feelings down to your love ones on a piece of paper; then put it on an envelope to drop it on Mr. Postman. Imagine your'e waiting for a few days, weeks or even months for their responds and totally not sure if they actually receive your letter. Is that ok to you as a person that you live in modern days? I dont think you want to go back in that era where there's no better way to communicate on a person that's thousand miles faraway from you. As I'm typing this i will be candid, were now living in this modernized world that everything can be done easily in just a short period of time like in communicating through internet, imagine you can now send your message in just a snap. By using smartphones and computers we can communicate even though we didn't interact physically, we can share anything we know, we can talk to them, we can send our thoughts through text messages, and even now we can see them face to face on screen by having video call via internet connection. Almost all of us are currently engaging ourselves of using Internet. There's a lot of advantages having a communication through this and it's all part of our lives now.

Did you ever know that the first word that is sent using two computers is the word "login". Are you not having a desire to know who is the mastermind behind that? I know your'e curious to that person who supplies creative intelligence for promoting the idea of having a possibility that a computer can interact neither communicate with other computer. On believing in that idea of him lets reminisce the time when it all started.

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According to my research, it all started in the comic book. He was born in New York City on June 13, 1934. When he was 6 years old, he is reading the Superman Comic book, then he noticed the plans for the crystal radio and he want it to build it with have no idea but because of his interest to do so. After he done fixing and assembling that thing he was shock because he did the crystal radio work. So that his interest was went deeply.

At the of 23 way back 1957 he received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Degree (BEE) from the City College of New York, and at the age of 29 he already have his master's degree and doctorate (Ph.D.) at the year of 1959 to 1963. In 1961 of July his ideas stated, I'm amazed of his curiosity that they have lots of computers and realizing it's more useful if the computer will interact with each other in network. He is one of the contributors of Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) which is a packet switching network that connects and interact computer with each other.

In 1962 he's completing his thesis, so that he developed his idea further on his Ph.D. in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of the year 1963. He published his book Communication Nets in 1964 and some of his team used it to developed the ARPANET. In that year he joined as the faculty member at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) to continue of what he is started lately. That time J.C.R Licklider was the head of Information Technology Office (ISTO) and Licklider invited his officemate to handle the case of what he called "Galactic Network". Then the team was started to gather information so that our great man has invited to their team because of his ability. In January 1968, His team writes specifications of the IMP to allow the compatibility on the network through the computer, and after that the Interface Message Processor (IMP) or Router was ready and the BBN send it to them after 8 months to developed the ARPANET more. Then they decided that our great man select his lab in UCLA that would be the first node (host) on the network. They were 40 people to do the project and they group into software team and hardware team. The software team was headed by Steve Crocker and the hardware was Mike Wingfield. Their goal is to send the data from the computer through another computer or host to host using Interface Message Processor (IMP). It was so hard to solve the problem because they didn't know if it is working and they have no reference to guide them. But they didn't think how hard it is so they study the computer and the IMP to solve the packeting network.

In year 1969, the day of the Labor Day the big event was arrived all of people that participate in that proposal was there. The Interface Message Processor (IMP) was arrived in the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and they try to install it and its work. After a month the Standford Research Institute have their IMP to connect to their computer to become a host. Then that day, He supervised one his team Charley Kline a programmer to send a text message using SDS Sigma 7 computer from their University to the SDS 940 from the Stanford Research Institute, they call it Host to Host operation. The text message was send and the word was "login". The "L" and "O" was received by the Standford Research Institute then before sending the letter "G" the system was crashed, he said that somewhere in the protocol or a line error because the language of the computer from the UCLA lab is ASCII and the computer in Standford Research Instititute was EBCDIC. Because of that the programmer Charley Kline solved the problem, he converted their computer from UCLA and the second attempt was successfully working. Then in 1970 they extended it over the country, and that's the birth of Internet. Did you know that he used the internet for his personal use. He chat his friend from another place to get his razor's back because of forgetting that thing and sounds like very important to him it was just in 1973. Then afterwards many organizations wants to participate the ARPANET.

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The Queueing Systems. Vol I: Theory. Published in 1975

The Queueing Systems. Vol II: Computer Applications. Published in 1976

Solutions Manual for Queueing Systems.Published in 1986

The Queueing Systems. Problems and Solutions. Published in 1996

Communication Nets. Stochastic Message Flow and Delay. Published in 1964

Those books are available in this link:


Some of his latest awards are SIGMOBILE Inaugural Test of Time Award (2016), BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award (2015), SIGMOBILE Outstanding Contributions Award (2014), Internet Hall of Fame (2012), IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal (2012) and more. As of 1956 until 2016 he got almost 30 awards and counting.


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